A Complete Guide to Splint Therapy

May 19, 2016

Filed under: Blog,TMJ Treatment — tntadmin @ 11:06 am

The temporomandibular joint, or the ‘jaw point’, is a hinge that connects your jaw to your temporal skull bones.  It assists in the opening and closing of your jaw, and plays an important role in letting you speak, chew, smile and yawn.

Because of the frequent and constant use of the jaw point, it is a common target for recurring pain and the jaw pain associated with it is called TMJ pain.

What is TMJ Dysfunction?

TMJ dysfunction is an umbrella term covering a large number of painful jaw ailments like: pain in the jaw joint, jaw clicking and popping, ear pain, popping sounds in ears, throbbing headaches, sore jaw muscles and locking of the jaw joint.

Before treating a TMJ dysfunction, it is important to diagnose it properly to pinpoint the exact underlying problem.


You might have to take a radiograph of your jaw point, which will show a detailed picture of your TMJ anatomy and pinpoint any visible anomalies. Your dentist might also recommend you to wear jaw repositioners (splint appliance), which is an appliance that helps eliminate bite pain. Once the appliance is refined in a way that it has eliminated your bite pain, a long-term treatment is prescribed to duplicate the effects of the appliance.

The Splint Appliance

The jaw repositioners that we were talking about are also used to remedy bite disharmony and the resulting pain. This is done by positioning the splint in a way that it adjusts the jaw point in a stable position.

These jaw repostioners or splints as they are called, are used to eliminate jaw point pain with a procedure called occlusal splint therapy, where the repositioner is adjusted in tandem with the jaw point to alleviate pain. There are many types of splints used in this therapy:

Stabilization splints

These are used to prevent or alleviate the wearer from clenching and bruxism (involuntary habitual grinding of the teeth). These can be made out of hard materials or soft (more flexible) materials and mostly have to be worn at night.

Repositioning splints:

Repositioning splints are to be worn 24*7 and are used to pull the lower jaw forward. Here are some specific splints:

  • MORA (mandibular repositioning appliance)
  • Anterior bite planes
  • Anterior repositioning splint

These splints help the wearer lessen jaw pain because they allow the muscles & ligaments to relax by taking a firm grip on the jaw. This helps in getting rid of the tension that bruxism and teeth clenching causes.

Also the splints help protect the patient’s teeth from wear and tear caused due to grinding.

The splints also help in correcting a patients’ bite (correcting the way the patient’s teeth fit together). An off bite may not be right for the patients jaw points and can lead to extreme pain.

Most of the times, splint therapy works perfectly. Other times the splint might worsen the pain. In these rare cases, there are many alternatives:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Massage Therapy
  • Lastly: Surgery

TMJ can make your life very uncomfortable. There is a way you can avoid cringing in pain every few minutes and start smiling instead. Contact Dr. Joshua Hong at Joshua Hong DDS to help you keep smiling.

Do Wisdom Teeth Really Unlock Wisdom When Removed?

May 4, 2016

Filed under: Blog,Oral Surgery and Tooth Removal — tntadmin @ 1:49 pm

So is it really wise to have your wisdom teeth removed? This rather sensitive and painful procedure has become a controversial point over the last few years for many people who have benefited from this simple extraction and the equally many who have suffered terribly because of it.

Does Loss of Wisdom Teeth lead to TMJ?

Many people who still have their wisdom teeth safely attached, write off “Wisdom Teeth Extraction” by naively stating that it protects periodontal health and reduces cavity risks simply because they are unaware of the pain and suffering that their friends and family face after the extraction of their wisdom teeth. This in effect leads to a lifetime of TMJ Jaw Pain which is not at all pleasant according to the many that suffer from it.

TMJ is caused by the rupturing and removal of many sensitive nerves and muscles in the mouth which leads to much larger periodontal pockets and has very little effect on the rate of cavities. This, in particular, leads to a loss of sensation in the lips which is bad for everyone especially foodies!!

Jaw Pains Caused by Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Jaw pain seems to increase by 34% in people who have had their wisdom teeth removed as compared to the 8.7% in the people who still have their wisdom teeth intact.

According to studies – TMJ is caused largely by the removal of wisdom teeth which can lead to TMJ Syndrome or TMJ Disease which are much more harmful and a lot more painful for those who have removed their wisdom teeth already. It can be particularly harmful to women between the ages of 18-44 as it increases the stress in the neck and face and ruins that lovely “Colgate smile”.

Is it still worth risking the Jaw Pain for the rest of your life?

If this article did not scare you into retaining your wisdom teeth and you`re adamant on removing your wisdom teeth, then these are the questions you should be asking your dentist:

  • How many teeth will you remove?
  • Will you use general or local anesthesia?
  • How long will the oral surgery take?
  • Is there a possibility of nerve damage?
  • How long will my recovery take?
  • Is it wise to proceed considering my physical disposition eg. poorly positioned teeth etc.
  • How will it affect me in the long run?

Extraction of Wisdom Teeth can cause TMJ in most cases according to the stats and should be taken very seriously. By now TMJ must be sounding like a very frightful and painful condition which can turn your perfect smile to a painful scowl but fear not as there are solutions and remedies to help those of you who have already had their wisdom teeth extracted.

These human invented remedies are known as TMJ Pain Treatment modules which are offered by Joshua Hong. These Pain Treatment Modules are used to combat the pain caused by TMJ, keeping in mind the pain and effects caused by TMJ. Many disgruntled and pain hindered patients have walked out of Joshua Hong’s doors smiling ear to ear and pain-free.