5 Rare Dental Diseases You’re Unaware Of (Until Now)

May 26, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Oral Health — tntadmin @ 10:30 am

Taking the right steps at an early stage is the best way to prevent any problem. This is why parents must have their child screened by a dentist at the age of seven because it is the best time to diagnose any underlying teeth problems so that they can be addressed in time. Your child could be suffering from a dental problem or may show signs of a future dental problem but if you are unaware of the symptoms, the problem may go undiagnosed until it becomes major. Here are 5 very unusual dental conditions which every parent must be aware of:

  1. Dental Agenesis

The term denotes the absence of one or more teeth and the condition is typically caused due to a developmental failure. Despite being one of the most common dental anomalies the pathogenic mechanisms and genetic background of this condition are still poorly understood. It typically affects bay teeth after a child loses his/her primary teeth. Since there is little that can be done in this case, dental implants can give your child a confident smile and self-esteem in particular.

  1. Germinated Teeth

Tooth germination typically occurs when two teeth sprout from a single bud and the condition is akin to tooth fusion. When several chambers of tooth pulp are shooting out from a single root, it gives rise to problems like tooth decay and bad bite due to overcrowding. If the tooth is wide and prevents adjacent teeth from erupting normally, an extraction becomes necessary.

  1. Hypodontia

This is an extremely rare condition wherein the patient has all of his/her teeth missing. The missing teeth simply never grow due to a genetic abnormality that only affects permanent teeth. A child suffering from hypodontia will never develop any teeth after losing the primary set of teeth. However, dentists also come across cases where the child has more than six teeth missing but not all. Little can be done in case of hypodontia which is why implants and dentures are the only solution parents have to ensure that their child’s ability to speak, eat and socialize is not affected adversely.

  1. Supernumerary Teeth

Medically known as Hyperdontia, this condition is characterized as having too many teeth, however, most cases involve just one extra tooth. Since supernumerary teeth develop in the gum, they often go unnoticed until you notice a crooked eruption. Generally dentists recommend an extraction in case of overcrowding but orthodontia may also be a viable option.

  1. Talon Cusps

The most distinct feature of this dental condition is a claw-like growth behind the teeth. Talon cusps usually emerge in the front of the mouth or behind the canines or incisors. This condition can cause problems such as malocclusion, bad bite, plaque, irritation of the gums and overcrowding. If the cusp contains pulp, a root canal treatment becomes necessary and if it does not contain pulp, the dentist may simply grind it down.

If your child is showing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is best to have your child examined professionally and even if there are no evident symptoms, a dental checkup is important. It helps in identifying potential dental problems that could invite an orthodontic procedure. Also, an early diagnosis can help your child cope with dental problems better and enable your dentist to ensure the best possible outcome. This is why every parent should have their child examined for unfamiliar dental problems that could invite expensive procedures at a later stage.