The Complete Guide to Root Canal Treatment

June 18, 2018

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What is a root canal treatment and why do you need it?  

As the name implies, your root canal is located in the roots of your teeth and when a tooth becomes infected with harmful bacteria, a root canal treatment is needed to remove the decay from deep down the roots. The root canal procedure is performed by an endodontist in order to repair and preserve the tooth while preventing further damage to the structure of the infected tooth.

What damages the dental pulp and what are the symptoms to identify it?  

The dental pulp inside the root canal can be infected due to untreated tooth decay, a cracked or chipped tooth, due to repeated dental procedures, faulty crowns, or due to the trauma caused by an accidental fall.

The signs of damage include pain and sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages, a painful bite, and loosening of the tooth. If left untreated, the damaged dental pulp can completely destroy the oral nerves resulting in swollen gums, pus oozing from the infected tooth and tooth discoloration.

So, if you experience any of these symptoms, rush to your nearest endodontist in Goodyear, AZ for a successful root canal treatment that saves your smile before it is too late.

A Step-by-Step Explanation of the Root Canal Procedure  

This procedure is considered to be the best alternative to extraction and dental implant. As the name suggests, root canal entails cleaning canals that are inside the roots of the tooth. Here is a step by step guide to root canal procedure:

  1. Preparation for the Root CanalFirst, the local anesthesia is injected into the gums around the tooth that requires treatment to numb the surroundings. Numbing may take a while where surrounding is painful due to acute inflammation of the pulp in the tooth.
  2.  Application of Dental DamA dental dam is them inserted to separate the infected tooth and get it ready for treatment. Isolation of the tooth using the dental dam helps to create a sterile environment that is devoid of contamination.
  3. Cleaning of Cavities Drilling of a small access hole is then done on the surface that is used for biting for the affected tooth to get to the pulp chamber as well as root canal. Once accessed, the dead tissue and dental pulp are removed using specialized instruments that are used for cleaning the pulp chamber and root canal. This procedure is not painful since the surroundings are numb while the tissue is dead. Once the nerves and pulp are removed, the tooth can never feel pain.
  4. Disinfecting and Shaping of the Root Canal Disinfection of the canals using antibacterial solutions of antiseptic is then done. Once disinfected, the canals are shaped so that they can receive dental filling and sealers before being cleaned and washed to get rid of debris before sealing them.
  5. Filling and Sealing of the Root Canal The selection of root canal fillings is carefully done to fit into the canals that are freshly prepared. Generally, a rubber like material referred to as gutta-percha is used for filling the space in the canal. This thermoplastic material is usually heated before being compressed against and into the root canal walls in order to seal them. This is done with the aid of a sealer; a type of adhesive cement, the canal space is filled. This stage is crucial because it prevents possible re-infection of the canal with bacteria. A crown is then placed on the tooth to seal ad also protect it from future damage and recontamination.
  6. Temporary FillingA temporary filling material is then put to close the access hole made at the beginning of the procedure. This is followed by the removal of the dental dam. In the event that the tooth cannot hold the filling in place, a post may be placed in the canals to help hold it.
  7. Crowning or Final Restoration
    Once your dentist has completed the filling procedure, a permanent restoration needs to be placed to insure long-term success of the root canal procedure. You can choose between a dental crown or a permanent filling to strengthen the access cavity that was created to remove the infected dental pulp.

Once all of the above procedures are completed successfully, antibiotics may be prescribed for the treatment or prevention of infections. It is also very important to ensure that you follow all the instructions from your endodontist.

The Do’s and Don’ts of a Root Canal Procedure for a Positive Outcome

While a root canal procedure is a straightforward process that offers an excellent outcome, the patient needs to follow a few aftercare measures for faster recovery, sustainable results and to ensure long-term health of the treated tooth.

  • Since a root canal procedure is performed on the interior portion of your tooth, a crown or a cap is placed to strengthen and support the tooth. So, you need to make sure that you avoid chewing on that side of the mouth.
  • You also need to avoid hard and crunchy foods that can place any stress on the crown.
  • You need to be gentle and very careful when brushing and flossing the treated tooth.
  • You also need to keep up with your follow-up appointments to ensure your restoration is successful.  

Things You Can Do to Avoid a Root Canal Treatment in the First Place

The primary cause of a root canal infection is decay that gradually penetrates the enamel and then the dentin. So, if you want to reduce the risk of a root canal infection, you need to:

  • Avoid foods and beverages that are high in sugar and acids
  • Seek dental repair at the very first incident of dental trauma  
  • Practice good oral hygiene habits
  • Wear a mouth guard while playing sports
  • Use fluoride
  • Keep up with your regular dental visits

If you are considering getting a root canal done, you will do well to get in touch with Dr. Joshua Hong DDS who is qualified, experienced and the best dentist in Arizona for root canal treatment. Having performed hundreds of dental restoration procedures, you can be sure to get permanent restoration for your tooth either through a crown or dental filling. Call 623.925.8822 to book an appointment with your nearest endodontist in Goodyear, AZ.